
Thursday, August 22, 2013


I've had quite a few people ask me for updates on all the drama in our lives after I posted a couple weeks ago.  I'm new to blogging, but it is absolutely amazing to me that people are actually taking time out of their day to read about my family, and these people truly care about what is going on in our lives!  So, to all my fans (tongue in cheek!!!), I apologize for not keeping you updated on some of the plot lines that you were following.  Here are a couple updates for ya'all.
Dad's 24-hour stay at the hospital a week and a half ago was more inconvenient for him than anything.  His ticker is still tick-tocking, and while the cardiologist intends to do some further monitoring in the near future, he has so far found nothing of major concern.  The arrhythmia pretty much cleared up on it's own, and he's back to his normal, tennis and golf-playing self.  

Brian's job situation is still in limbo.  He's had a few somewhat promising prospects, but nothing concrete yet.  Keep praying with us that he will find something that both pays the bills and keeps him happy and satisfied!

The broken water heater was replaced by the home warranty policy that was provided by the sellers of our house.  So, as of last week we have a brand new water heater! (Which, to me, is somewhat anticlimactic.  It's too bad that the home warranty won't buy us a new couch or a bedroom set.)  We kicked in a few extra bucks to get something more efficient than was covered by the policy, but other than that it was installed at no cost to us.  Unfortunately, when we got home from our beach trip on Sunday night, we found a leaking pipe!  I was filling up the bathtub for the boys and Brian ran downstairs to grab something from his office (directly beneath the bathroom).  He heard a strange sound in the ceiling and reached up...and his finger went right through the soggy sheet rock!  We aren't sure if the leak was caused by the installation of the new water heater (which would be pretty unlikely), or if it was a pre-existing problem that we just hadn't noticed before, but either way it will also be covered by the home warranty.  Thank God we found it before it caused too much damage!

Our foundation issues haven't resolved themselves yet...the earth is still slowly eating our house.  It will probably be a while before we have a resolution to this one, but it does not look like it will be covered by a warranty.  We keep spotting new cracks appearing on throughout the house, on the freshly painted walls.  What a mess!

We had a wonderful ending to our beach trip last week.  Brian was able to play lots of golf and a bit of tennis.  I spent hours talking about life, love, and the joys of raising kids with my cousin, who is also my lifelong best friend.  Dylan went to his first movie in the theater (We are the Millers...Hilarious! He slept the whole time), and Jack did some pretty sophisticated sand excavation with his shovel and bucket on the beach.  We had dreary, gray weather for part of the trip (which is expected at the Oregon Coast!), and a cranky 2 1/2 year old who decided napping at the beach was over-rated, but overall it was a great week with family and a wonderful get-away for all of us!

I think that pretty much covers the "non-Dylan diagnosis" issues in our lives!  So, to those of you who are reading this, or have read any of my previous posts...THANK YOU!  Just the fact that you would take the time out of your day to think about my little family and what we are going through means the world to me.  Hopefully I will be diligent in keeping things updated, but please feel free to ask if I leave you with questions!  I absolutely love the notes and emails I have been receiving, and I can't tell you how encouraging it has been to us through this process.  It is an honor to me that you are interested in reading about my life, and I hope throughout the years that I will have a story worth telling.

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