Many times I've said, "It can only get better from here." I wish that were true.
On Thursday I received some news that knocked the wind out of me yet again. Since I have opened up my life through this blog, it only seemed fair that I share the latest with you too, so that you can join with us one more time in prayer.
A week ago I had a weird looking dark spot on my knee biopsied. It turns out it was Malignant Melanoma.
I am 33 years old. I have two tiny children that my world revolves around. There is NOTHING more terrifying to me than the idea that something could prevent me from being 100% present in their lives. So you can imagine how finding out that I have skin cancer might have hit me like a truck.
The good news is, we found it early. It is still stage 1, which means that it was localized to this one spot on my knee and hasn't spread to other areas of my body. Thank God for that. On Wednesday I am going in for a procedure to remove a margin of tissue in the surrounding area just to confirm that it is all clear. I will also be going to the dermatologist every three months for the next few years to have a complete scan and make sure I don't have any new or suspicious spots pop up.
No chemo. No radiation. Hopefully 1-2 hours in the surgical office and I will be cancer free.
It is easy for me to say "it was only one small spot," and "we found it big deal." That's more my style, to just push this out of my mind and act like it's not bothering me. But the truth is, hearing that you have cancer, any type of cancer, no matter how small or insignificant, is pretty scary. I will always wonder if and when it will come back. I will always know that cancer has lived in my body, and therefore I am at a higher risk for additional Melanoma showing up in the future. As hard as I try to focus on the fact that this was just one small spot, the worst case scenario keeps finding its way into my thoughts. And then there are the What Ifs? that keep swirling around in my head. What if I hadn't gone to get it looked at when I did? What if it actually has spread into my lymph nodes or other parts of my body? What if something slips past the doc during the procedure on Wednesday and he doesn't remove all of the cancer cells? The potential is.....well, I'm not prepared to think about the potential.
Life is full of hills and valleys. My dad was famous for reminding my sisters and me of this throughout our childhood. Whenever we would come on a hard time, or feel like we were stuck in a dark valley, he would lovingly encourage us to wait it out. Before much longer we would be up on the top of a hill, likely with a beautiful view of where we had come from. I've gotta admit, this valley I'm stuck in seems deep and scary and really hard to navigate right now. But sometime soon I will find my way to the top of the mountain. The journey will be hard, I know that I have a long climb ahead of me, but when I make it to the top I will be able to look back and see all of the lessons that I was meant to learn along the way.
I find myself wanting to get so angry sometimes....WHY ME, GOD? What did I do to deserve all of this right now? What reason could there possibly be for putting my family through so much chaos in such a short period? Isn't there a much easier, less painful way to teach us these all-important lessons? But every time I let myself go there, the answer that pops into my head is "why not me?" What guarantee did I ever have of a perfect life? A true test of character is how a person reacts in the midst of adversity, and I hope to pass this test by the grace of God. I said before, God has never promised to give us a perfect and easy life, but he has promised to walk with us through the life he gives us. And this is the life I was given, complete with many, many hills and valleys.
So please pray with us. Pray that the surgery on Wednesday is routine and successful, that all of the cancer cells are easily removed. Pray that this is the last time my family has to worry about the ugly "C" word. And pray that my recovery is easy and painless (and that an overly rambunctious 2-year old doesn't jump up on my lap when I'm not looking!)
I'll leave you with a couple pictures of our angels...because just looking at these two handsome men is enough to make any bad day feel so much better!